The (hi)Story

Lives can be measured by our successes and our failures. Whether we've accomplished something great or failed epically, it is these milestones that make up the foundational story of our lives. 

Consequently, most people are more interested in learning about epic failures relative to stories of success. These failures not only help us in discovering the type of character a person exhibits, but is more often than not pretty funny. And given that most people are slightly sadistic, failures feed into the unquenchable desire to prosper from others' suffering. Who doesn't enjoy benefiting at the expense of someone else? Sometimes putting out someone else's candle really does make your's shine brighter! 
To quote the epically awesome Tiger Woods: "If you can't laugh at yourself, then who can you laugh at?" I'd have to say you're right, Tiger, but sometimes, it is just way more fun to laugh at other people, especially when they do really dumb things.

It is my hope that the following will compile a significant amount of awesomely epic failures from an array of scenarios presented from a first person perspective. What good is interpreting the faults of others when you can't comment on your own mishaps and bungles? It's all in the details, and who knows the details better than the person who actually suffered through the calamity!?!